Lpsolve tutorial (Linear Programming Solver)

Lpsolve tutorial

Problem formulation

Suppose a farmer has 75 acres on which to plant two crops: wheat and barley. To produce these crops, it costs the farmer (for seed, fertilizer, etc.) $120 per acre for the wheat and $210 per acre for the barley. The farmer has $15000 available for expenses. But after the harvest, the farmer must store the crops while awaiting favourable market conditions. The farmer has storage space for 4000 bushels. Each acre yields an average of 110 bushels of wheat or 30 bushels of barley. If the net profit per bushel of wheat (after all expenses have been subtracted) is $1.30 and for barley is $2.00, how should the farmer plant the 75 acres to maximize profit?

Mathmatically, we can formulate this as :

Maximize P = (110)(1.30)x + (30)(2.00)y = 143x + 60y
				120x + 210y <= 15000
                110x + 30y <= 4000
                x + y <= 75
                x >= 0, y >= 0

where x denote the number of acres allotted to wheat and y the number of acres allotted to barley, the optimal solution of this problem is

x = 21.875
y = 75 - 21.875 = 53.125

How to solve this in LPSOLVE ?

Construct model from C/C++

  1. Setup the problem

lprec *lp =  make_lp(0, Ncol); // there are two variables in the model, Ncol = 2
set_col_name(lp, 1, "x");	   // name our variables. Not required, but can be useful 
set_col_name(lp, 2, "y");
  1. Add constraints (examples)

set_add_rowmode(lp, TRUE); // makes building the model faster if it is done rows by row
REAL row[1+2];     /* must be 1 more than number of columns ! */
REAL sparserow[2]; /* must be the number of non-zero values */
int colno[2];

/* Create a new LP model */
row[1] = 120;
row[2] = 210; /* also zero elements must be provided */
add_constraint(lp, row, LE, 15000); /* constructs the row: 120x + 210y <= 15000 */

colno[0] = 1; sparserow[0] = 110; /* column 1 */
colno[1] = 2; sparserow[1] = 30; /* column 2 */
add_constraintex(lp, 2, sparserow, colno, LE, 4000); /* constructs the row: 110x + 30y <= 4000 */
set_add_rowmode(lp, FALSE);

// You can also set the row name to name the constraints
set_row_name(lp, 1, "row1");
set_row_name(lp, 1, "row2");
  • Note that for add_constraint (and add_constraintex when colno is NULL) element 0 of the array is not considered (i.e. ignored). Column 1 is element 1, column 2 is element 2, …, that is why row[1+2] must have three elements

  • add_constraintex has the possibility to specify only the non-zero elements. In that case colno specifies the column numbers of the non-zero elements. Both row and colno are then zero-based arrays. This will speed up building the model considerably if there are a lot of zero values. In most cases the matrix is sparse and has many zero value. Note that add_constraintex behaves the same as add_constraint when colno is NULL.

  • LE: Less than or equal (<=), EQ: Equal (=), GE: Greater than or equal (>=)

  • Note that: ROW0 is the objective function, so when index the constraints start from 1, for instance set_mat(lp, 1, 1, 3.14); set the first constaints to be 3.14x+210y <= 15000, also when you iterate through variables you must start with 1 (strange it not start with zero)

COL0 (Unsed) COL1 (X) COL2 (Y)
ROW0 (Obj) X 143 60
ROW1 (Cons1) X 120 210
ROW2 (Cons2) X 110 30
  1. Set objective

There are four functions to set your objective function

unsigned char set_obj_fn(lprec *lp, REAL *row);
unsigned char set_obj_fnex(lprec *lp, int count, REAL *row, int *colno);
unsigned char str_set_obj_fn(lprec *lp, char *row_string);
unsigned char set_obj(lprec *lp, int column, REAL value);

Note that it is advised to set the objective function before adding rows via add_constraint, add_constraintex, str_add_constraint. This especially for larger models. This will be much more performant than adding the objective function afterwards (Here, we did not use it in such way).

REAL row[1+2]; /* must be 1 more then number of columns ! */
/* Create a new LP model */
row[1] = 143;
row[2] = 60;
set_obj_fn(lp, row);  /* constructs the obj: 143x + 60y */

/* Another way using set_obj_fnex */
REAL sparserow[2]; /* must be the number of non-zero values */
int colno[2];
colno[0] = 1; sparserow[0] = 143; /* column 1 */
colno[1] = 2; sparserow[1] = 60; /* column 2 */
set_obj_fnex(lp, 2, sparserow, colno);
  • Note that for set_obj_fn (and set_obj_fnex when colno is NULL) element 0 of the array is not considered (i.e. ignored). Column 1 is element 1, column 2 is element 2, …

  • set_obj_fnex has the possibility to specify only the non-zero elements. In that case colno specifies the column numbers of the non-zero elements. This will speed up building the model considerably if there are a lot of zero values. In most cases the matrix is sparse and has many zero value. Thus it is almost always better to use set_obj_fnex instead of set_obj_fn. set_obj_fnex is always at least as performant as set_obj_fn. Note that unspecified values by set_obj_fnex are set to zero.

  • The set_obj function sets the objective value for the specified column. If multiple objective values must be set, it is more performant to use set_obj_fnex.

  1. Solve problem

First you need to tell lpsolve whether you want to maximize or minimize ojective function, the call solve function to solve it

/* Just out of curioucity, now show the model in lp format on screen */
write_LP(lp, stdout); 
/* I only want to see important messages on screen while solving */
set_verbose(lp, IMPORTANT); 
/* Now let lpsolve calculate a solution */
int ret = solve(lp);

The solve will return integer values to indicate the state of solving process OPTIMAL , SUBOPTIMAL , INFEASIBLE …, you can use these values to judge whether lpsolve successfully solve the problem.

  1. Get the result

/* Returns the value of the objective function. */
REAL get_objective(lprec *lp);
printf("Objective value: %f\n", get_objective(lp));

/* There are two ways to get final variable value */
REAL var[2], *ptr_var;
get_variables(lp, var);
get_ptr_variables(lp, &ptr_var);
  • The get_variables, get_ptr_variables functions retrieve the values of the variables. These values are only valid after a successful solve or lag_solve. Function get_variables needs an array that is already dimensioned with get_Ncolumns elements. get_ptr_variables returns a pointer to an array already dimensioned by lp_solve. Element 0 will contain the value of the first variable, element 1 of the second variable, …


!!! The offical lp_solve_API_reference has may examples, after this, you should look those examples to further familiar with lp_solve. The code of this turtorial can be found here.